+49 (0) 6081-1040-0


The disinfectant ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 is based on a heavy-metal-free, specially stabilized 50%- hydrogen peroxide solution. ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 is in particular designed for the disinfection of drinking-water piping systems, storage tanks and wells but is also used in many other industries.

ALBILEX Desto 50


  • Strong algicidal, bactericidal and fungicidal effects
  • One disinfectant for all kinds of piping materials
  • Simple to use and easy to dose in all common dosing-kits
  • pH-neutral in dosing concentration
  • Chlorine-free - no offensive smell
  • Long shelf-life due to decomposition and corrosion inhibitors
  • Does not contain any heavy metals
  • Simple and eco-friendly disposal of the disinfectant solvent


Use in piping systems: ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 is added directly to the water when filling the pipe section to be disinfected by means of a dosing-kit. The filling process under addition of ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 is to be continued until the measured hydrogen peroxide concentration is 50 ppm at the run out. The following table shows the required dosage of ALBILEX®-DESTO-50:

Dilution ratio ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 for different applications:

Application areaDosing concentration of ALBILEX®-DESTO-50ExposureTime
Disinfection of piping-systems 200-800 ppm (200-800 ml DESTO-50 per 1000l  water) 12-24 hrs
Disinfection of tank-surfaces 1-2% (1-2 Ltr. DESTO-50 per 100l  water) 1 hr

Disinfection of piping-systems: In case of a reduced exposure time the dosage concentration of ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 has to be increased up to 400-500 ppm (= 400-500 ml ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 per 1000 litres of water). The concentration of ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 (recommended: 100 ppm) is measured by means of ALBILEX®-H2O2-test-sticks (Art.-Code.: 190151). After 12 hours exposure time the hydrogen peroxide concentration should be at least 10 ppm; otherwise the injection procedure has to be repeated.

Consumption of ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 per km piping length in case of a recommended dosage of (= 200 mg/l):

Diameter of pipe in mm (DN)Dosage (litre per km) of ALBILEX®-DESTO-50
 50  0,4
100 1,6
200 6,4
300 14,0
400 26,0
500 40,0

Disinfection of surfaces: ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 is diluted with water according to the above table. The disinfectant is applied to the surface of the tank with a low-pressure sprayer. After an exposure of 1 hour fill tank to a level of 5-10 cm with fresh water and empty tank directly afterwards. Then the tank may be refilled with drinking water.

Disinfection of wells: ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 is diluted with water according to the above table. The disinfectant is applied to the well. After an exposure time of 6-24 hours pump disinfection solution out of the well and pass into sewerage system.


ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 is a solution of hydrogen peroxide (50% H2O2), specially stabilized.

Delivery Size & Item-No.

ALBILEX®-DESTO-50 is supplied in following package sizes:

ProductQuantity (kg)Item-No.Product Sheet


Achtzehnmorgenweg 3
D-61250 Usingen

Phone: +49 (0) 6081-1040-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6081-1040-40
E-Mail: info@albilex.de
Web: www.albilex.de